TVB Cafe


Name : magnolia_sara

  • I have watched TVB Dramas since 1990. My all-time favorite TVB Dramas include Journey to the West I and II, A Tough Side of a Lady, Old Time Buddy - To Catch a Thief, Return of the Cuckoo, A Taste of Love and a few more...

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TVB Cafe is just a fan-made blog created by magnolia_sara containing random thoughts about Hong Kong Entertainment. The blog (TVB Cafe) and the author (magnolia_sara) are NOT associated with TVB. Everything is given proper credits to the original owners. If you find anything belong to you and it is not already properly credited, please leave a message at the tagboard, and I will correct it asap.

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August 30, 2015

Posted at 12:25 PM

Brick Slaves

*Spoilers Alert* - If you don't want spoilers, stop reading now

Brick Slaves depicts the problems of expensive housing costs in Hong Kong in a comical way. The storyline revolves around the property management company "All in One", and all of the main and supporting characters are linked to the company one way or another. Vincent Wong (Jack, Lau Yiu Ming) became the manager of "All in One" because he saved Eliza Sum (Peggy, Juk Bik Gei) from the sea when she accidentally fell into the water. He encountered Evergreen Mak (House, Lo Bit Dak), who worked under him and had previously interviewed him for his current position. Selena Li (Cecilia, Choi Kin Ching) became Vincent's tenant in his apartment, and they started a bickering landlord-tenant relationship. Kiki Sheung (Joyce, Lei Oi Wah) is the owner of "All in One", and she always keeps an eye on Eliza. She even arranges Eliza to work in "All in One" as an intern.

Vincent's character as Jack is highly likable. He is a good cook and enjoys helping other people. Initially, he disagrees with Evergreen a lot on how things work at "All in One". Later, the two became good co-workers. Jack is trying hard to earn money to pay off his apartment. He is one of the "brick slaves" as he always needs to be concerned of losing his job and will no longer be able to afford his mortgage. However at the end, he sold his apartment and became a chef at his restaurant instead, with the help of Selena's character. Vincent's performance as male lead did not disappoint.

Vincent and SelenaThe backstories of Selena's past and the true identity of Eliza's father are the suspense in the drama. I was really intrigued to learn about Selena's past that has caused her to become so aloof and erratic at times. It turns out that her boyfriend, who is Kiki's brother, passed away while trying to rush to see her at her piano performance. Since then, Selena became depressed and would not perform in front of audience. She resorted to offer people piano lessons to make a living. Later, Vincent helped Selena to step out from her past, and she regained confidence to perform again.

Matthew and ElizaAs for Eliza, she has mistaken Evergreen's character House as her father due to Kiki Sheung's manipulation. Later, she was distraught when she found out the people she trusted the most are all lying to her. As it turns out, K K Cheung (Martin, Chow Guan Lin), who is Kiki's husband, is actually Eliza's biological father. Kiki tried to hide the truth from Eliza in order to protect her marriage.

Evergreen and Rachel
Evergreen's family are somewhat supporting to the drama. I especially like Rachel Kan's (Mary, Chu Ma Lei) character, who is Evergreen's wife.

The main theme of the drama is the struggle between earning money to support the mortgage of expensive apartment versus pursuing your own dream. Vincent's Jack decided to pursue his own dream at the end. He sold his apartment and invested in his own restaurant. On the other hand, Evergreen's House continued his life as a "Brick Slave", working hard to afford his family a good apartment flat and paying off mortgage.

Overall, the drama is really enjoyable. There are a lot of spots for laughs, and the performances of actors and actresses are great. The story is well-paced, and the ending wraps up everything nicely. I also really enjoy the chemistry between Vincent and Selena. I think "Brick Slaves" are one of the great dramas in 2015.

Grade: 9 out of 10 -

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posted by magnolia_sara | |

August 21, 2015

Posted at 2:03 PM

Young Charioteers - Theme Song "Good Times" - Sang by Jinny Ng

監: 何哲圖/韋景雲

誰個永遠太忙 忘了最美好的時光
Who is always too busy, forgetting to enjoy the best time
誰也有權盼望 任性的光散發面龐
Everyone has the right to desire, the light of willfulness is spread across the face
陽光照遍最閃的汗 怠慢了我們能趕上
The sunlight shines on the sweats; even when we fall behind we can catch up
心存晴空 所以便勇敢盛放
The heart contains a bright sky, so (we are) brave enough to open up

來年多麼驚險 不要太早框了線
The next years are full of surprises. Do not put a border around too early
從前錯過了 期望更多明天
In the past have overlooked a lot, look forward to more in the future
回頭多少瘋癲 總會有天 需要努力備戰
To look back there have been a lot crazy times. But there will be a day where it is a need to be prepared to fight
似水匆匆流年 同座有你參加 這場盛宴
Time is like water flowing by. There is you who sit beside (me) to attend this banquet

迷茫那次愛情 沉醉間有一天夢醒
That time when lost within love. While indulging in love, one day there will be time to wake up
就算結局注定 別太早失去了熱情
Even though the ending is destined, do not lose enthusiasm too early
狂歡這晚變得安靜 笑或痛 也毋忘率性
The craze becomes quiet tonight. No matter laughter or pain, still retain frankness
寫成人生 不會後悔的 盡興
To write the life, do not feel regret; have fun

來年多麼驚險 不要太早框了線
The next years are full of surprises. Do not put a border around too early
從前錯過了 期望更多明天
In the past have overlooked a lot, look forward to more in the future
回頭多少瘋癲 總會有天 需要努力備戰
To look back there have been a lot crazy times. But there will be a day where it is a need to be prepared to fight
似水匆匆流年 同座有你參加 這場盛宴
Time is like water flowing by. There is you who sit beside (me) to attend this banquet

來年多麼驚險 不要太早框了線
The next years are full of surprises. Do not put a border around too early
從前錯過了 期望更多明天
In the past have overlooked a lot, look forward to more in the future
風急雨濺 新的起點 給我領先 未停留的衝線
Storms blow. New starting point. Let me lead; crossing the finish line with no reserve
跌倒撐起人前 無負霎眼青春 秒速改變
Even when fell down in front of people, still able to get up. Will not be failing the short-lived youth, changing instantly

Song credited to: 星夢娛樂 The Voice Entertainment Group

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posted by magnolia_sara | |

August 19, 2015

Posted at 9:51 AM

Wudang Rules - Theme Song "Fearless" - Sang by C AllStar


A1 (峰) 路在地上遇難題亦前去
The road is on the ground. Even when encounter obstacles still continue to go forward
夢也許 可觀不可追怕要告吹
The dream perhaps can be forseen but cannot follow, and it needs to be forgotten
(曦) 命裡得到失去 分隔伴隨 每天有誰
Whatever that is obtained or lost in life. Separated or together. Everyday who is there
In truth we do not know when can we be together again

A2 (安) 道在地上別沉迷論和據
The road is on the ground. Do not be held up by rules and theories
任意走 不需它規矩或要允許
To go around freely; do not have to be ruled or governed by them
(銘) 別怕攻得不對 守得不對 會失去誰
Do not be afraid of wrongfully attacking or defending, will lose someone
Come on we can win against fear with strongwill

B1 (峰+安) 任世間興衰 也不苦惱進或退
Even when the world is thriving or failing, do not have to be troubled by moving forward or backward
讓我好比一點水 向下流墜
Let me be like a drop of water, flowing downwards
限界中爭取 也許身處挫敗裡
Fighting for within the limit, perhaps even when facing defeat
祭起兩手 我卸開一切便無懼
Hold up two hands, I wipe away everything and will be fearless

A2 Rpt (曦) 道在地上別沉迷論和據
The road is on the ground. Do not be held up by rules and theories
任意走 不需它規矩或要允許
To go around freely; do not have to be ruled or governed by them
(銘) 別怕攻得不對 守得不對 會失去誰
Do not be afraid of wrongfully attacking or defending, will lose someone
(銘+安) 來吧我們以堅忍戰勝畏懼
Come on we can win against fear with strongwill

B1 Rpt (銘+曦+安) 任世間興衰 也不苦惱進或退
Even when the world is thriving or failing, do not have to be troubled by moving forward or backward
讓我好比一點水 向下流墜
Let me be like a drop of water, flowing downwards
限界中爭取 也許身處挫敗裡
Fighting for within the limit, perhaps even when facing defeat
祭起兩手 我卸開一切便無懼
Hold up two hands, I wipe away everything and will be fearless
B2 (All) 任世間興衰 也不苦惱進或退
Even when the world is thriving or failing, do not have to be troubled by moving forward or backward
讓我好比一點水 向下流墜
Let me be like a drop of water, flowing downwards
限界中爭取 也許身處挫敗裡
Fighting for within the limit, perhaps even when facing defeat
祭起兩手 我抱虛於太極裡不放也不追
Hold up two hands, I embrace the virtue in Tai Chi and do not release or chase
任世間興衰 放鬆緊接意念去
Even when the world is thriving or failing, relaxingly follow the idea
用四兩推開千斤 靠力凝聚
Use four ounces to push away thousand catty of strength; use strength to gather force
限界中爭取 也許身處挫敗裡
Fighting for within the limit, perhaps even when facing defeat
我這雨水 地殼多堅固亦無懼
I as a drop of rain water, no matter how hard is the earth's crust I will be fearless

Song credited to: 星夢娛樂 The Voice Entertainment Group

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posted by magnolia_sara | |

August 18, 2015

Posted at 4:05 PM

Come Home Love 2- Theme Song "Love Travelling Together" - Sang by Fred Cheng


A1 誰曾講 花開總結果 如陽光 天黑透便會光
Who has said before that when flower blooms then there will be fruit. Just like the sunshine. After dark it will be brighter
常言道雨會過 路總通向遠方
Like common saying, rain will pass. The road will lead to a faraway place
從前的 不需想太多 來年的 即將發現更多
There is no need to think too much about the past. There are more to discover in the future
同行萬里有我 攜手一起領放
To walk thousand of miles with me; (we) can hold hands to depart

B1 同行中 一絲一絲的捉緊最美的盼望
To walk together, little by little (we) can hold onto a beautiful hope
同成長 親手的一筆一筆去兌現承諾
To grow up together, we fulfill the promise by taking it step by step
遙遙長路裡定會在旁 伴著遊歷萬方
Even the road is long, (I) will always be by your side. Together traveling thousand of places
歷練過再往前看 前程會更寬廣
Gaining experiences then look forward, the future will be broader

C1 如寒冬 點起手裡火 提起 火把發熱發光
If it is in the cold winter, I will hold the fire torch with my hand. Raising the torch, the fire will burn brighter
重頭又再振作 定可找到結果
To regain confidence, (we) can find the results
人潮中 分不清太多 能同舟 相交過已不枉
Among the sea of people, it is hard to distinguish everything. To be able to ride the boat together, knowing each other is enough
同行萬里有我 和你一起細看
To walk thousand of miles with me; (we) can watch around together

A2 叢林中 荊棘不怕多 仍可 走出四面八方
Inside the forest, do not have to be afraid of obstacles. (We can) still travel around
憑互信躍過 前方一切怯慌
With trust, (we) will overcome every obstacle in the future
從前的 揮揮手抹乾 來年的 即管接力去闖
Say goodbye to the past. It is alright to tackle the future
同行萬里有我 攜手一起領放
To walk thousand of miles with me; (we) can hold hands to depart

Repeat B1

C2 如寒冬 點起手裡火 提起 火把發熱發光
If it is in the cold winter, I will hold the fire torch with my hand. Raising the torch, the fire will burn brighter
重頭又再振作 定可找到結果
To regain confidence, (we) can find the results
人潮中 分不清太多 能同舟 相交過已不枉
Among the sea of people, it is hard to distinguish everything. To be able to ride the boat together, knowing each other is enough
同行萬里有我 和你一起細看
To walk thousand of miles with me; (we) can watch around together

Song credited to: 星夢娛樂 The Voice Entertainment Group

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posted by magnolia_sara | |

August 17, 2015

Posted at 10:37 AM

The Fixer - Theme Song "Maze" - Sang by Alfred Hui


踏前或逃逸 原是簡單的選擇
To step forward or to escape is originally an easy choice
蜜糖用完後 誰害怕酸澀與苦辣
After finished up the honey, who will afraid of the tastes of sour, bitter or spicy
問誰沒疑惑 人在這世界大迷宮裡
Everyone has troubles, as people are living in the world’s big maze
回頭亦要代價 沒有路會被留下
To turn back requires consideration; there is no road that will be left behind

猶如被困在時間 被歲月離間 剩低一堆灰白
As if being trapped by time and alienated by ages, the only thing left is gray and white
重圍在四面牆裡 沒有路能回去 哪裡是家
Cornered by four sides of walls, there are no roads leading back. Where is home?
為何自困象牙塔 浪費著時間 未必只得黑白
Why did (you) self-trapped inside the ivory tower and wasting time? There is not necessary just black and white
難題沒有盡頭嗎 亦要動員解拆 拆去誤差 什麼都會解決吧
Are hard-to-solve problems endless? However the problems still need to be solved with members’ efforts, removing the errors. Everything can be solved

問誰又明白 誰亦只懂得表達
Asks who will understand. Everyone only knows how to express
諾言用完後 誰害怕失去與孤立
After consumed promises, who is afraid of losing and being isolated
問誰沒疑惑 人在這世界大迷宮裡
Everyone has troubles, as people are living in the world’s big maze
回頭亦要代價 沒有路會被留下
To turn back requires consideration; there is no road that will be left behind

猶如被困在時間 被歲月離間 剩低一堆灰白
As if being trapped by time and alienated by ages, the only thing left is gray and white
重圍在四面牆裡 沒有路能回去 哪裡是家
Cornered by four sides of walls, there are no roads leading back. Where is home? 
為何自困象牙塔 浪費著時間 未必只得黑白
Why did (you) self-trapped inside the ivory tower and wasting time? There is not necessary just black and white
難題沒有盡頭嗎 亦要動員解拆 拆去誤差 別要被迷惑打
Are hard-to-solve problems endless? However the problems still need to be solved with members’ efforts, removing the errors. Do not be set back by nuisances

明明就快沒時間 就快沒期盼 路口即將崩下
Frankly there is no time left. There is nothing to look forward to, and the intersection is crumbling down
重圍在四面牆裡 沒有路能回去 哪裡是家
Cornered by four sides of walls, there are no roads leading back. Where is home?  
為何自困象牙塔 浪費著時間 未必只得黑白
Why did (you) self-trapped inside the ivory tower and wasting time? There is not necessary just black and white
難題沒有盡頭嗎 亦要動員解拆 拆去誤差 別要被迷惑推翻
Are hard-to-solve problems endless? However the problems still need to be solved with members’ efforts, removing the errors. Do not be overthrown by nuisances

Song credited to: 星夢娛樂 The Voice Entertainment Group

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posted by magnolia_sara | |

Posted at 9:43 AM

Brick Slaves - Main Theme Song "Four Hundred Square Feet" - Sang by Edwin Siu

編曲: 朱俊傑
監制: 朱俊傑

好想休假 光陰偏有限
Really wants to take vacation, but time is not enough
未能換衫 即刻飛去玩
Cannot change clothes yet, but immediately fly to the vacation spot
Who can resign from his job without consequences
一千幾百 都不敢怠慢
One thousand and a couple of hundred dollars. There is no room of slowness
為房地產 天天都要慳
Every day needs to be stingy because of real estate
需知一失業更煩 (哎呀)
Must know that if being laid off, it is more troublesome (Aiya)
Everyone understands that four hundred square feet (flat) feels like a fire torch
The rise in rents have not gotten slower
In order to be responsible to parents and children
永未停下 (哪可退下)
There is no stopping (Cannot move down)
And then the four hundred feet square is still pressuring
After twenty years, still remain the brick house
大半生虔誠地全為樓有用嗎 (太多困惑)
The whole life devoted to buying an apartment is worthwhile or not (too many troubles)
Or it is just creating your own troubles
欣賞一下 天空多蔚藍
Appreciate the sky that is blue in color
為何未敢 於草地懶散
Why not dare to relax on the grass
Who wants to be accustomed to always busy

Helplessly without holidays for four seasons
The pay raise is still limited
In order to be responsible to parents and children
永未停下 (哪可退下)
There is no stopping (Cannot move down)
And then the four hundred square feet is still pressuring
After twenty years, still remain the brick house
大半生虔誠地全為樓有用嗎 (太多困惑)
The whole life devoted to buying an apartment is worthwhile or not (too many troubles)
Or it is just creating your own troubles

Song credited to: 星夢娛樂 The Voice Entertainment Group

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posted by magnolia_sara | |

Posted at 7:00 AM

Ghost of Relativity - Theme Song "Daybreak" - Sang by C AllStar

主唱:C AllStar

A1 同事每日像敵國 為了達到什麼
Coworkers are like warring countries. What is the purpose of that?
難道說為了實幹 要煽風點火
Perhaps need to fan the flames in order to work hard
我但顧著我 似鬼一般飄過
But I only mind my own business, just like a ghost floating by
Cannot care about too much
A2 在壓力內度過 為了避免什麼
To live under pressure, is because of avoiding from what?
也沒有被發現過 我靜悄在旁
And no one has noticed me who is silently waiting at the side
只是哪又算漏我 到我出醜
But who did not count me in, and made me embarrassed
It feels like pouring rain
B1 日日像隻鬼一般飄蕩
Everyday floats around like a ghost
Read the eyes and going by
Everyday looks around like a ghost
Why there is no one to teach me?
Everyday likes a spirit floating by
All only care about the results
All has no other choice
C1 惡鬥惡 為何嫌善怕惡
Mean versus mean. Why are people afraid of mean but despice nice
各有各 為何偷偷卸膊
Each person goes about his own business. Why does he secretly avoid the responsibilities?
趕趕趕 OT已經天光
Hurry and hurry. Overtime has lasted until the morning
困於電腦房 被晉升有用麼
Trapped in the computer room. Is there a purpose to get promoted?
看看我 就連鬼都怕我
Look at me. Even ghost is scared of me
放飛刀 為何天天要擋
Why must avoid flying daggers everyday?
Who is making fun of me behind my back?
Who is trying to cause me mistakes behind my back?
A2 每天壓力內度過 為了避免什麼
To live under pressure, is because of avoiding from what?
也沒有被發現過 我靜悄在旁
And no one has noticed me who is silently waiting at the side
只是哪又算漏我 到我出醜
But who did not count me in, and made me embarrassed
It feels like pouring rain

Repeat B1, C1
C2 惡鬥惡 為何嫌善怕惡
Mean versus mean. Why are people afraid of mean but despice nice
各有各 為何偷偷卸膊
Each person goes about his own business. Why does he secretly avoid the responsibilities?
趕趕趕 OT已經天光
Hurry and hurry. Overtime has lasted until the morning
困於電腦房 爭到後求什麼
Trapped in the computer room. After winning the competition then what is desired next?
惡鬥惡 人人嫌善怕惡
Mean versus mean. Why are people afraid of mean but despice nice
各有各 人人逃避卸膊
Each person goes about his own business. Why does he secretly avoid the responsibilities?
趕趕趕 OT已經天光
Hurry and hurry. Overtime has lasted until the morning
困於電腦房 被晉升有用麼
Trapped in the computer room. Is there a purpose to get promoted?
看看我 就連鬼都怕我
Look at me. Even ghost is scared of me
放飛刀 為何天天要擋
Why must avoid flying daggers everyday?

Song credited to: 星夢娛樂 The Voice Entertainment Group

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posted by magnolia_sara | |

Posted at 6:30 AM

Master of Destiny - Theme Song "Shatter the World" - Sang by Edwin Siu

編曲:Johnny Yim
監製:何哲圖 / Johnny Yim

如若尚在的 統統失去 你叫我怎反應
If everything that I have is all gone. How should I react?
凝望著上天 天不開眼睛
I gaze upon the heavens, but the heavens will not open its eyes
如剩下自己 走出荒野 血拚裡甦醒
If I am by myself, I run to the wilderness. I fight to wake up
誰人在歷練我 迫我學好勝
Who is training me to become competitive
從前誰並沒大器 不需爭氣 不會覺得卑微
Before who is inconsiderate, don't need to fight, and will not feel abase
然而誰並沒道理 將我亂投在地
However who is unreasonable, thrown me to the ground

若我不無情轟天動地 定會給洪流一沖到尾
If I don't be emotionless and shatter the world, I will be hit by the torrent of water
為了贏唯有 拋棄自己 抬頭重生覺醒
In order to win, I need to throw myself away. I raise my head and regain consciousness
無需同情別人傷悲 人留情才走到絕地
No need to sympathize with other's sadness. If human is considerate, then he will be led to his end
戰場亂世 想法別兒戲
The warring zone is not a place for naive thinkings

誰尚在自欺 堅守本性 盼會博得尊敬
Who is still deceiving himself, and stay to his true nature. Hoping to gain respect
難道問上天 可找到究竟
Perhaps ask the heavens can find the truth?
人在命運中 開始崩塌 世界太少公正
Facing destiny, it seems the world is crumbling. The world has too little justice
誰人在歷練我 迫我學好勝
Who is training me to become competitive

若我不無情轟天動地 定會給洪流一沖到尾
If I don't be emotionless and shatter the world, I will be hit by the torrent of water
為了贏唯有 拋棄自己 抬頭重生覺醒
In order to win, I need to throw myself away. I raise my head and regain consciousness
無需同情別人傷悲 人留情才走到絕地
No need to sympathize with other's sadness. If human is considerate, then he will be led to his end
我還是我 不要又提起
I am still myself. Don't need to remind me

Song credited to: 星夢娛樂 The Voice Entertainment Group

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posted by magnolia_sara | |

August 16, 2015

Posted at 11:32 PM


Brick Slaves

Last updated: 8/30/2015

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posted by magnolia_sara | |

Posted at 11:00 PM


Under the Veil main
Captain of Destiny main
Every Step You Take main
Momentary Lapse of Reason main
The Fixer main
Brick Slaves main
Ghost of Relativity main
Master of Destiny main
Come Home Love 2 main
Wudang Rules main
Young Charioteers main

Last updated: 9/28/2015

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posted by magnolia_sara | |

Posted at 10:00 PM

I will try to provide TVB Main and Sub Theme Songs Lyrics and English Translations. I am starting off with the newer songs first, and will gradually build my database up.

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posted by magnolia_sara | |

Posted at 9:11 PM

I think I am back in blogging about TVB, and probably at times about K-pop and other subjects? We'll see I guess. :)


posted by magnolia_sara | |